Getting started with this project
Setup code editor
Open project folder in VS Code
Select python environment for the project
All terminal commands in the following sections can be run from the VS Code integrated terminal.
First steps with git
Go to the
Source control
tabMake an initial commit with all newly created files
First steps with code
Install the newly created project
pip install -e .
Install it on Rhino
python -m compas_rhino.install
Code conventions
Code convention follows PEP8 style guidelines and line length of 120 characters.
Check adherence to style guidelines
invoke lint
Format code automatically
invoke format
Documentation is generated automatically out of docstrings and RST files in this repository
Generate the docs
invoke docs
Check links in docs are valid
invoke linkcheck
Open docs in your browser (file explorer ->
Tests are written using the pytest framework
Run all tests from terminal
invoke test
Or run them from VS Code from the
Developing Grasshopper components
We use Grasshopper Componentizer to develop Python components that can be stored and edited on git.
Build components
invoke build-ghuser-components
Install components on Rhino
python -m compas_rhino.install
Publish release
Releases follow the semver versioning convention.
Create a new release
invoke release major